I'm Bees (They/Them).

Creating this site has been the ultimate exercise in nostalgia. Browsing Neocities and seeing the odes to the old web has reached deep into my heart and pulled out childhood memories that I didn't even remember burying.

I'm a true millennial, one of the youngest to watch the internet grow from nothing, to a novelty, to an essential utility. I learned HTML when I was 10 years old in order to code my own little website, not unlike this one. It never got farther than a home, about, and a page about my cat, but I loved every minute of it. I can vividly remember using now-obsolete GIF software to make custom little blinkies and decorations. Getting to return to that has been a treat.

"Surfing the Web" was once a specific activity, done with intention and curiousity, rather than the first thing we do in the morning for that hit of dopamine. The more time I've spent browsing old-style, the less I find myself interested in mindlessly scrolling Facebook and Twitter, and the better I feel about my internet usage.

This page is more of an art project or personal hobby than anything. My only audience is myself. But if you like it here too, then enjoy! :)